--> River City Street Rods- Bylaws

River City Street Rods-Bylaws


Revised December 2017

Name and Emblem

SECTION I:                This organization shall be known as River City Street Rods, Inc..  This club was established in 1976.  All Promotional, Published, or Advertisement items shall represent the club as River City Street Rods.

SECTION II:               The official emblem of the club is the car pictured above.


SECTION I:                The purpose of the club shall be:

to promote events relating to Classic/or Street Rod vehicles and other forms of street rodding activity.

to create good fellowship and sportsmanship among all members of the club.

to promote interest in the viewing, collection, preservation, and restoration of classic/or Street Rod vehicles.

to uphold the principles of good government within the club.

to conduct club functions and activities in a manner befitting members of the street rodding sport, and to encourage a better understanding of street rodding as a constructive sport among members of the public, press, and law enforcement agencies.

to promote safety in driving, automobile maintenance, and overall vehicle operations.

SECTION II.               The club shall be operated as a non-profit Corporation. All elected officers and committee members will serve without remuneration.   However, members may be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of the club.



SECTION I.                The jurisdiction of this constitution shall be as follows:  All persons who are members in good standing of RIVER CITY STREET RODS shall comprise one of the following three classifications:

A. Board of Directors:

One President to serve a two-year term
One Vice President to serve a two-year term
One Secretary to serve a two-year term
One Treasurer to serve a two-year term
One Club Representative to serve a two-year term

B.  Active & Lifetime Members

C.  Honorary Members


SECTION I:                Any applicant for membership must attend two (2) meetings and have the sponsorship of at least one active member.

  • Active Membership


  • Membership shall be opened to any person, 18 years or older, with an interest in classic and/or street rod vehicles.  An interest in the purpose of the club shall be the primary reason for membership.  
  • Members must take an active part in club activities/events by attending a minimum of 2 meetings per year. Working a RCSR car show would  count towards this requirement.
  • Member must display good character and have a desire to promote River City Street Rods and their efforts.
  • Members must promote street rodding in a manner respecting all laws governing such activities.
  • Lifetime Membership

1.   A member having participated and fulfilling the requirements of an active member for 10 consecutive years may be granted a lifetime membership.
2.   Lifetime members must abide by the same articles as an active member (Section I, A.).

  • Honorary Membership


Members who, for some reason, become inactive may be recognized by the club Board of Directors and/or Active Members as Honorary Members for their prior contributions to the club in keeping with the purpose of RIVER CITY STREET RODS.  These members will pay no dues nor have any rights in the club until being re-instated.



SECTION I:                Annual Dues

  • Regular membership shall be $20.00 to be collected in January (annually). If not paid by March, member will become suspended.
  • Lifetime membership shall be $50.00 due one time only and offered only to those who have reached the Lifetime Membership status.


RCSR Club Activities Guidelines

SECTION I:                Car show Planning Procedures

  • River City Street Rods will normally not support independent businesses during their car show even though we encourage individual participation in said events.



SECTION I:                            The elected officers of the club shall include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and one member of the club to serve as Club Representative. Together they will form the clubs Board of Directors.

SECTION II:                           A majority of the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors.

Nominations, Elections, Resignations

SECTION I:                Nominations

        • All nominees must be in good standing and be an active member.
        • Nominations for all club officers will take place at the regular October and November meetings with November the last chance for nominations.
        • Nominations will be made by the regular membership from the floor.
        • Nominee must accept nominations, or give good cause for refusal.
        • Whenever possible, there should be a minimum of two (2) nominations for each position.
        • Nominees can be nominated to only one position (at a time) during nominations and can only hold one office.

SECTION II:               Elections

  • Will be held during regular November meetings of this club, and shall be the last order of business of said meeting.
  • Newly elected officers will take over their positions at the beginning of the January meeting.
  • A ballot form used for voting will be provided by the club.
  • A ballot box will be provided by the club.
  • Ballots will be counted by the Board of Directors or as directed by the President.
  • Attendance during elections must be at least one-half of the regular membership, including current officers. Absentee ballots must be turned into the President before elections.
  • Tie Vote- A second run-off election will be held immediately. If this does not break the tie, a flip of the coin by the outgoing President will determine the tie vote.
  • All officers elected to their position will serve that position for two (2) years.
  • All elections and time sequences must be made known to all members one month prior to its taking place.
  • Elected officers may serve consecutive terms in one position, and may be re-elected to that same office.
  • Outgoing officers may be nominated and elected for a different position on the Board, should their present term expire.

SECTION III:              Resignations

  • Any officer wishing to resign must do so in writing to the Board of Directors.
  • Officers resigning must hold position until a replacement is appointed by the board of Directors with the approval of the membership.
  • If needed, special elections can be held to fill a position left open by resignation.
  • All special elections shall be conducted in a manner similar to regular elections.

Duties of Officers

SECTION I:                President
The President will preside over all meetings of the club, serve as Chairperson of the Board of Directors, act as ex-officio member of all committees, issue the call for regular and special Board of Directors meetings.  Schedule regular elections and be sure they are held in accordance with the Constitution, carry out the directives of the Board of Directors. The President shall be have access to all financial accounts, as well as the Treasurer, and assume the position of Treasurer should he/she become incapacitated or unable to perform that position.

SECTION II:               Vice President
The Vice President will perform all duties of the President in his/her absence.

SECTION III:              Secretary
The Secretary will record and maintain the minutes of the meetings of the club, maintain membership records, give notice of all regular and special meetings of the membership and Board of Directors, based on directives from the President, and supervise all records of the club.

SECTIONIV:               Treasurer
The Treasurer will collect dues, collect all other income due the club, maintain the club accounting books, make payments from the club funds when so ordered by the Board of Directors, sign all club checks, make regular reports of the clubs financial status to the Board of Directors.

SECTION V:               Club Representative
The Club Representative shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and Board of Directors on behalf of the active members.

The Board of Directors constitutes the Executive Board of the club, responsible for the execution, through its officers, of the authorized policies, by majority vote fills vacancies in the office of the Board of Directors, and submits to the club during regular meeting any recommendations affecting the policies of the club which have been previously approved.

SECTION VII:            All officers should work together in preparation of the clubs minutes, progress reports, birthdays and anniversaries.


SECTION I:                A majority of the active members in good standing constitutes a quorum.

SECTION II:               Regular membership meetings will be held once a month (except June thru September) at a time and place set forth by the Board of Directors.

SECTION III:              The Board of Directors may meet before regular meetings, should the need arise.

SECTION IV:              Special membership meetings and special Board of Directors meetings can be called by the President.

SECTION V:               The business of this organization shall be conducted by parliamentary procedure.
SECTION VI:              The order of business for all meetings of the club and the Board of Directors is as follows:

  • Call to Order
  • Roll call and dues collection
  • Introductions of guests
  • Approval of minutes of previous meeting
  • Reading of correspondence
  • Secretary’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Committee reports
  • Old business
  • New business
  • Announcements and progress reports
  • Adjournment

SECTION VII:            Committees of the club are:

  • Constitution and Bylaws
  • Car Shows
  • Safety
  • Club Appointed

Annual Safety Check- Optional

SECTION I:                Members of River City Street Rods, Inc are encouraged to maintain a safe vehicle.

Constitutional Revision

SECTION I:                Constitutional revisions

  • Constitutional revisions can only be conducted during the period beginning October 1 through the meeting day of December of each year.
  • All club legislation concerning River City Street Rods, Inc. constitution must be completed by the meeting by of December of each year.
  • A final vote will be conducted during the last scheduled meeting in December of each year, where in the adopted constitution, plus all revisions, must meet final approval vote. A majority votes of approval will there by ratify.
  • Article XII, Section I, Rule A. does not apply to Article IV governing dues and fees which may change any time River City Street Rods, Inc members should approve of by a vote of membership.

Expenditures of the Club Funds

SECTION I:                Business Expenditures

  • The Board of Directors shall determine the nature of expenses (Business, non-business, emergency, etc.).
  • It shall be the duty of the club Treasurer to notify the membership of all payments and debts owed, and to administer payment of said debts upon approval of the Board of Directors.
  • The Treasurer is allowed to make a Memorial payment of $25.00 to club members only in the event of death for their immediate family member. Immediate family shall include: Spouse, son/daughter, father/ mother, or brother/sister.

SECTION II:               Non- Business Expenditures

  • All non-business related expenses, totaling more than $25.00 must first be approved by the Board of Directors, then approved by ballot vote of the membership.
  • All non-business related expenses totaling less than $25.00 may be approved by action of the Board of Directors.

SECTION III:              Emergency Expenditures

  • In the case of any emergency expense, the Board of Directors may approve a total of $200.00 maximum. Any expenditures exceeding the amount must receive membership approval. Amended October 2017

SECTION IV:              Special Events Funding

  • Funding of special events (non-club) must receive approval first by the Board of Directors, then by membership vote.
  • Special events shall be classified as any event not associated with normal club operating procedures.


SECTION V:               Treasury Funds

  • The River City Street Rods, Inc. Board of Directors will be responsible for treasury funds appraisals, and adjusting sources of funds accordingly.

SECTION VI:              Liquidations of Treasury Funds

Should River City Street Rods, Inc. decide by vote or by action of the current Board of Directors to dissolve the club, the following procedure shall be followed:

    • Treasurer will notify the Board of Directors as to the amount of remaining balance in the treasury.
    • All monies will be presented in the form of a scholarship to the local Area College or given to a local charity selected by the majority of active members.
    • No financial benefit shall be given to any current or former club member.